Describe the difference between men and women regarding their family activities
From the very start of light hitting the retina, to the information arriving in the cerebral cortex, this process is different in males and females.
For example:
-The male retina is thicker
– It has more M cells (magnocellular)
– M cells are larger and are distributed across the retina
– M cells are responsible for tracking the movement of objects
-The female retina is thinner
– It has more P cells (parvocellular)
– P cells are smaller & concentrated around the center of the retina
– P cells are responsible for identifying objects & analyzing texture and color
(has been documented in other mammals)
(Sax, Leonard. “Why Gender Matters” 23)Wright, Robert. "The Moral Animal" Robert. "The Moral Animal"
2. Female babies like faces, male babies like moving objects
This isn't surprising, since – as we just learned – males and females see differently.
Over 100 infants were studied on the day of their birth. They were given a choice between looking at a young woman's face or a dangling mobile. The researchers were not told the sex of the babies while they recorded their eye movement. The boys were twice as likely to prefer gazing at the mobile and the girls were more likely to look at the face. (Sax, Leonard. “Why Gender Matters” 19)
– In the first few months of life, a baby girl's eye contact and mutual facial gazing will increase by over 400% while the boys will show significantly less improvement. (Brizendine. “The Female Brain” 15) (original study can be seen here)
3. Boys and girls like to draw different things
– Most girls prefer drawing people, animals, and plants, arranged symmetrically & facing the viewer
– They're more likely to use lots of color and the colors they use tend to be warm
– Boys mostly draw action scenes with dynamic movement
– It's not common for them to use more than 6 colours, and the colours they do use tend to be cool
(Sax, Leonard. “Why Gender Matters” 25) (Brizendine. “The Male Brain” 20)
If you're finding yourself thinking "Ok who cares? Kids draw different stuff" keep in mind that most early grade teachers are female, with a feminine bias. They favour girls’ drawings to be the correct type of art, which can put boys off art forever. And it goes beyond boys doing poorly in art class. I always see headlines like "boy suspended from school for drawing a gun." I think if teachers were aware of these hardwired differences then they would stop raising concerns about male students depicting “violent” scenes. We should look back to the old proverb “boys will be boys,” take a deep breath, and relax.
4. Females hear better than males
-In the brain centres for language and hearing, women have 11% more neurons than men (Brizendine. “The Female Brain” 5)
– Females not only hear better, but can discern between a broader range of emotional tones in the human voice. This is probably because BABIES! Women evolved to be nurturers, so hearing & interpreting their infant's cries is kind of an important skill.
– And it's a skill we're born with: a study of infants on the day of their birth showed that girls will respond more to the cries of another baby than boys. (Brizendine. “The Female Brain” 17)
Hey! Soft spoken female teachers! Before you label a boy with attention deficit, try moving him to the front of the class. He probably can't hear you!
5. Music affects us differently
Premature baby girls who received music therapy had fewer complications, grew faster and were able to be discharged earlier than the ones that did not. There was no effect on premature baby boys. (Sax, Leonard. “Why Gender Matters” 16)
1. Men & women don't see in the same way
From the very start of light hitting the retina, to the information arriving in the cerebral cortex, this process is different in males and females.
For example:
-The male retina is thicker
– It has more M cells (magnocellular)
– M cells are larger and are distributed across the retina
– M cells are responsible for tracking the movement of objects
-The female retina is thinner
– It has more P cells (parvocellular)
– P cells are smaller & concentrated around the center of the retina
– P cells are responsible for identifying objects & analyzing texture and color
(has been documented in other mammals)
(Sax, Leonard. “Why Gender Matters” 23)Wright, Robert. "The Moral Animal" Robert. "The Moral Animal"
2. Female babies like faces, male babies like moving objects
This isn't surprising, since – as we just learned – males and females see differently.
Over 100 infants were studied on the day of their birth. They were given a choice between looking at a young woman's face or a dangling mobile. The researchers were not told the sex of the babies while they recorded their eye movement. The boys were twice as likely to prefer gazing at the mobile and the girls were more likely to look at the face. (Sax, Leonard. “Why Gender Matters” 19)
– In the first few months of life, a baby girl's eye contact and mutual facial gazing will increase by over 400% while the boys will show significantly less improvement. (Brizendine. “The Female Brain” 15) (original study can be seen here)
3. Boys and girls like to draw different things
– Most girls prefer drawing people, animals, and plants, arranged symmetrically & facing the viewer
– They're more likely to use lots of color and the colors they use tend to be warm
– Boys mostly draw action scenes with dynamic movement
– It's not common for them to use more than 6 colours, and the colours they do use tend to be cool
(Sax, Leonard. “Why Gender Matters” 25) (Brizendine. “The Male Brain” 20)
If you're finding yourself thinking "Ok who cares? Kids draw different stuff" keep in mind that most early grade teachers are female, with a feminine bias. They favour girls’ drawings to be the correct type of art, which can put boys off art forever. And it goes beyond boys doing poorly in art class. I always see headlines like "boy suspended from school for drawing a gun." I think if teachers were aware of these hardwired differences then they would stop raising concerns about male students depicting “violent” scenes. We should look back to the old proverb “boys will be boys,” take a deep breath, and relax.
4. Females hear better than males
-In the brain centres for language and hearing, women have 11% more neurons than men (Brizendine. “The Female Brain” 5)
– Females not only hear better, but can discern between a broader range of emotional tones in the human voice. This is probably because BABIES! Women evolved to be nurturers, so hearing & interpreting their infant's cries is kind of an important skill.
– And it's a skill we're born with: a study of infants on the day of their birth showed that girls will respond more to the cries of another baby than boys. (Brizendine. “The Female Brain” 17)
Hey! Soft spoken female teachers! Before you label a boy with attention deficit, try moving him to the front of the class. He probably can't hear you!
5. Music affects us differently
Premature baby girls who received music therapy had fewer complications, grew faster and were able to be discharged earlier than the ones that did not. There was no effect on premature baby boys. (Sax, Leonard. “Why Gender Matters” 16)