Accountancy, asked by heanishmaghnani2409, 10 months ago

Describe the different types of trade of medieval Kerala.


Answered by soniahaider

Nomadic Arabs and ancient Phoenicians are said to be the first tocome to Kerala for spice trade. The Arabs as the middle men gained con-trol of the trade by 600 B.C. Gradually more civilizations came to had tradewith India; especially, with Kerala. These trade relationships have a greatinfluence on the cultural, and religious aspects of Kerala’s social structure,and also on the regional architecture also.The major over seas trade relationships that ancient Kerala had, are;


2.4.1 ArabThey controlled the spice trade in the Arabian sea,for a long time from 600 B.C, till the Greek voyagerHippalus found the “monsoon wind route” to the Keralacoast. However the descriptions in Arab manuscripts,mention about the Kerala coast starts only from 9


century onwards ie, after the introduction of Islam.One of the major contributions by the Arabs was theIslam religion. It made a dramatic change in the politicalhistory of Kerala. Sulayman- one of the earliest traveller in the post Islamic  period - reported in the 9


century that he had never known any one in Hind(India) in who had embraced Islam. Later Idrisi in the 12


century and Ibn Bat-tuta refer so many mosques along the malabar coast. Slowly they became apart of Kerala’s social structure.They constructed so many mosques along in Kerala, mainly in the porttowns. The Muslims were the right hand of Zamorins. Eventually, Calicutbecame the major Muslim trade centre. Later they had a province undertheir own rule-the Arakkyal dynasty at Cannanore.

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