Describe the first accessory whorl of the flower.
The calyx is the outermost accessory set of floral leaves, consisting of sepals. Sepals are usually green inconspicuous bodies. They protect the essential whorls against mechanical injuries and desiccation in the bud stage.
So, their function is mainly protective. Sepals of some plants become coloured like the petals and are called petaloid, e.g. Caesalpinea (B. Krishnachura). In Mussaenda one of the sepals is transformed into a flat leaf-like structure (Fig. 88). In the sunflower family the sepals are modified into hairy bodies called pappus which help in the dispersal of fruits.
Describe the first accessory whorl of the flower.
◆ Calyx :
The calyx is the outermost accessory set of floral leaves, consisting of sepals. Sepals are usually green inconspicuous bodies. They protect the essential whorls against mechanical injuries and desiccation in the bud stage.