describe the following picture in about five to seven sentences a beautiful world starts with you
! A smile can really make someone who needs that small gesture to perk them up. simple isn't it? just a smile, or holding the door open for someone as they are coming to the door and you are leaving. Doesn't even take two seconds but that small simple gesture makes the big difference in society. When did we become so focused on our own lives and forget love for our common people? In times of recession and economic down turn this add's stress to lives with people struggling just to survive So why would we forget something so small and more importantly FREE. If you smile at someone and they smile back it automatically releases endorphin's that make you happy. So that little smile really DOES make you happier.
We focus so much on the bad in the world that we forget its a really great place, for example after the riots the volunteers sweeping up and cleaning up mess or the yearly t.v charity events that always raise extraordinary funds for those who need it most. People are good and people like to do good.
Take a moment to think about how you can positively affect the world if you were that bit kinder? If we all took that second to just think about how we could change ourselves for the positive and be better, kinder people the world would be a lot better place. We need to remember everyone has a story to what made them who they are today and its not always been very nice for them. Its human nature to judge at first sight, that's how we handle the thousands of interactions we have. First impressions are made to be changed other wise they wouldn't be first impressions they'd be permanent impressions wouldn't they? You could see someone and at first judge them to be one way and then talk and peal back those layers to find that you were totally wrong. I find in life that I can put on a front, I mean we all do it, dependent on who we are with we gain new "persona's". If you were to meet someone under the persona pretense and not take to that side of them you could be missing out on a valuable opportunity to meet someone new that if you took a little time to find out more could be an amazing person. People come in and out of our lives for a reason and i believe they always teach us a lesson on life. Good or bad its these things that shape us as people. So missing out on that one person could make a dramatic difference in your life, you never know they could of been the love of your life!!
What i'm really saying is we are all guilty at one point or another of being a little self centered in life, the best things really are free, kindness, a smile, love. Just try to focus on the good in the world and what you can do to be the best person you can be. Be the positive in the world and make your internal monologue a positive one!