Describe the following terms:
Layer Description
Crust It is the outermost layer of the Earth. It ranges from 5 - 100 km in depth. It is composed of igneous, metamorphic, and sedimentary rocks. The majority of the Crust is made of silicates. This is the layer where life exists both on land and ocean. The Crust is divided into huge plates. When these plates grind against each other earthquakes occurs.
The Crust and the Upper Mantle constitutes the Lithosphere.
Mantle It is a layer between Crust and Outer Core. Earths' Mantle extends to a depth of 3,000 km and is the thickest layer of the Earth crust. It is composed mostly of silicate rocks rich in magnesium and iron. Upper Mantle consists of two parts : The inner Asthenosphere composed of plastic flowing rock (200 km thick) and the lowermost part of the lithosphere composed of rigid rock (50 to 120 km thick). It has different temperatures at different depths. The temperature of the Mantle increases with depth.
Outer Core The Outer Core consists of super-heated liquid molten lava (2260 km thick), which is mostly iron and nickel. Its outer boundary lies 2,890 km beneath the surface of the Earth. Convection of molten lava in the outer core creates the Earth's magnetic field. The liquid Outer Core surrounds the Inner Core.
Inner Core The Inner Core extends 1440 km towards the center of the Earth. It is entirely composed of Iron and some Nickel. The solid Inner Core was discovered by Inge Lehmann in 1936.
trust is the outermost shell of a rocky planet, draught planet or natural satellite. It is usually distinguished from the underlying mental by its chemical makeup.
A mantle is a layer inside a planetaeybody bounded below by core or above by a crust.
core is the innermost part of the earth, comprised the inner core,at the centre of earth.