English, asked by Anonymous, 8 months ago

Describe the given image in DETAIL.



Answered by dolly2861

Happy breakfast


In this image it describe that

there is family with three members they are having very nice breakfast together mother, father and daughter they have main things to eat like bread,meat ,jam, juice ,banana ( there is banana peel ) besides the dining table in the kitchen floor there the loaf of bread besides that there is toast maker, stirrer. They are also enjoying there breakfast with some juice, tea and many more, there is one sweet nuclear family also they have given food to squirrel besides that there is flower vase .And they love each other.

Hope it may be helpful to you✌

Answered by shrivya2006

Answer: In the given picture,a happy family of 3 members-a father,mother and their daughter are eating their morning breakfast. The Kitchen seems quite messy but has a colorful and unadorned look.

The table is round in shape and green in color with yellow lines horizontally and vertically making squares...the table is fully occupied by delicious food,fruits are found in a bowl, juice in a jar etc....To this you can add up some more points describing the kitchen,the window etc.

Hope this helps :)

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