English, asked by priyanka200722, 5 months ago

describe the grandmother 's approach when the author left for the university
class 11 english hornbill
chapter 1 the portrait of the lady


Answered by praptighimire2010


Section C – Literature



Chapter 1: The Portrait of a Lady

Answers to Text Book Questions

Understanding the text

1. The three phases of the author's relationship with his grandmother before he left the country to

study abroad.

Ans. (a) Early childhood or a phase of admiration and friendship. When author was in the village

with his grandmother, they were good friends. She woke him up in the morning and got

him ready for the school. She waited for him in the temple while he was in the school and

then walked him back. The author described her as winter landscape in the mountains an

expanse of pure white serenity.

(b) Childhood or shifted to city. Now grandmother could not accompany author to school as

he went school by bus. Grandmother could not help author in studies as now he was in an

English school, where they taught English, Science, and Music. She could not understand

English and did not believe in Science and she felt that Music was not meant for gentle

folk. She felt unhappy when she learnt that city school did not teach about God’s scriptures.

(c) Adulthood or went to university. When author went to the university he got a separate

room and even the last link of a shared room was snapped. The grandmother kept to her

spinning wheel, feeding the sparrows and telling the beads of rosary rarely talking to


2. Three reasons why the author’s grandmother was disturbed when he started going to the city


Ans. The author’s grandmother was disturbed when he started going to the school because in city

school he learnt English words and western science and learning the law of gravity, Archimedes’

principles. She was distressed that they were not taught about God and the scriptures. Author’s

grandmother was very disturbed about the fact that he was given music lessons. To her music

had lewd associations.

3. Three ways in which the author’s grandmother spent her days after he grew up.

Ans. The three ways in which the author’s grandmother spent her days after he grew up; she accepted

her seclusion without complaining to anyone and did not interact much with the author. She

rarely left her spinning wheel to talk to anyone, from sunrise to sunset she sat by her spinning

and reciting prayers. In the afternoon she relaxed for a while to feed the sparrows.

4. The odd way in which the author’s grandmother behaved just before she died.

Ans. When the author returned from abroad, she was delighted to see him back in the evening.

She collected the women from the neighbourhood and sang for the hours of the homecoming

hours. The next day she developed mild fever, the doctors believed that she would recover, the

grandmother knew that her end was near. She said that since only a few hours before the closeof the last chapter of her life. She had omitted to pray. She was not going to waste anymore

time talking to them. She ignored their protests. She lay peacefully in bed praying and telling

her beads till her lips stopped moving and the rosary fell from her lifeless fingers.

5. The way in which the sparrows expressed their sorrow when the author’s grandmother died.

Ans. When the grandmother died thousands of sparrows collected in the courtyard. There was no

chirruping. When the author’s mother some bread for them, they took no notice of the bread

crumbs. They took no notice of them. After her cremation they flew away without touching the

crumbs. The next day bread crumbs had to be swept away.

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