Psychology, asked by ashvikaauthithan, 7 months ago

Write at least five things you can say to yourself when you are tempted to do
something you feel is wrong.​


Answered by sr2373975daredevil

People pleasers come in many forms. I’ve met with business leaders who lost sleep because they were terrified of confrontation. And I’ve seen entrepreneurs fail because they couldn’t stand to make a decision that wasn’t popular.

Their reasons for trying to make people happy vary. For some, it’s a learned behavior that originates in childhood. For others, the attempt to make everyone happy stems from the desire to be polite.

1. You aren’t responsible for other people’s emotions.

Whether you tend to do everything your partner wants, or you strive to make your co-workers like you, your people-pleasing efforts bear too much responsibility. Everyone is in charge of their emotions. You can’t make anyone feel happy.

2. People pleasers are easily manipulated.

3. Your choices will always be unfavorable to some people.

4.Trying to please people drains your resources.

5. Attempting to please others is actually a bit selfish.

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