English, asked by Anonymous, 1 year ago

Describe the incident humour and irony in chapter the tiger king (class12) vistas...


Answered by Answers4u

The story starts with astrologers prediction that the king would be killed by a tiger.

The king starts killing the tigers in his region right from day one of sitting on the throne.

He also marries daughter of a man who has many tigers in his forest.

Knowing that he would be killed by a tiger, he still marries that girl.

This is humour and irony in the same incident.

He orders Dewan to arrange for a tiger and kills it immediately.

He purchased a wooden tiger as his son's birthday present.

But the same wooden tiger causes his death.

This is a satire because the same king who killed 100 tigers could not save his life from a wooden tiger.

Answered by DIVYAlende


I think it's your answer

The dramatic irony in the story is sharp when the Tiger King alone is unaware that his bullet had not killed the hundredth tiger. The other characters and the readers anticipate his doom as he celebrates his triumph over his destiny. We realize how misplaced the King's pride at killing the first tiger was.

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