English, asked by shinchanlover2014, 1 month ago

Describe the incident that showed that the pet who was considered most coward was actually the bravest of them all.
*Question from 10th CBSE, English Poem- The Tale of Custard the dragon.*​


Answered by khushi20063075


Belinda and her pets were making fun of Custard a dragon. They were all bragging about their bravery and let the dragon feel down for his cowardness. Only then they encountered a pirate with guns in both his hands and a knife between his teeth. Seeing Pirate, Belinda started crying for help.Then all animals hide. Only custard fought with the pirate and ate him up in his single bites. As Custard saved everyone, all thanked him. But in the end they realised that they used to make fun of the dragon as he was timid. So, all of them again started bragging about their bravery and custard just agreed with them.

Answered by anadaybhujbal

hope it help you thank you

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