Describe the lines of latitude, their importance and use
Describe about the lines of latitude , their importance and use
Latitudes are the imaginary horizontal lines (circles ) that are drawn around the Globe. There are 180 latitudes (not including the equator). Equator (0° latitude) is the biggest of all the latitudes.
● Latitudes divide the globe into three zones. They are :-
■ Tropical zone
■ Temperate zone
■ Frigid zone
☆ Tropical zone :- It extends from equator to the tropics (Tropic of cancer and Tropic of Capricorn). The temperature is hot and evergreen forests are found
☆ Temperate zone :- This extends from the tropics to the circles (Artic circle and Antarctic circle). The temperature is moderate and Decidious forests are found
☆ Frigid zone :- This extends from the circles to the poles (North pole and south pole) . The temperature is cool and No major forests are found
● They influence the climate as the latitude increases the temperature decreases
● They help in finding the time.
From north to south they are:
(i) Arctic Circle at 66½°N- Marks the northern limit beyond which there can be daylight or darkness for more than 24 hours
(ii)Tropic of Cancer (23½° N) in the Northern Hemisphere. -Marks the northern limit of the overhead rays of the sun
(iii) Equator 00 - Divides the earth in northern & southern hemisphere
(iv)Tropic of Capricorn (23½° S) in the Southern Hemisphere.- Marks the southern limit of the overhead rays of the sun
(v) Antarctic Circle at 66½°S-Marks the southern limit beyond which there can be daylight or darkness for more than 24 hours.