Sociology, asked by indusingh3611, 2 months ago

Describe the positive and negative aspects of state development when compared to tribes and bands, particularly in regards to human freedom and equality.​



Answered by jeevanjoshyjose

Answer and Explanation

The Lion King is an excellent example of political anthropology: how civilizations or states, bands or tribes live under a hierarchy that regulates the behavior of its members. Whether or not these human groups evolve into egalitarian or despotic domains depends on the foundational strength of the leader or leaders. An egalitarian social order requires freedoms never found in a dystopian society since the latter is evil and the former is good. However, good and evil characteristics can be found in any social order, regardless of its hierarchical evolution. Therefore, no matter how bands, tribes, or states are compared under the scope of negativity or positivity, human freedoms and equality are always subject to change if unrest eclipses civility. History is filled with hierarchies that have changed for the good of the people or the evil of the leadership. Egalitarian or dystopian social orders seldom last very long. But change, good or evil, has been a constant factor in the story of mankind.

Answered by itzmecuterose


To put it simply, positive ions are molecules that have lost one or more electrons whereas negative ions are actually oxygen atoms with extra-negatively-charged electrons


hello I'm shree

14 years and class 8th

and I AM from Kolkata,WB

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