Physics, asked by manurajeevkhosla, 1 year ago

Describe the procedure to measure the diameter of
a wire with the help of a screw gauge.​


Answered by rishabhjaiswala


Explanation:Screw gauge has more precision than the vernier caliper. The separation between each thread is the same. By rotating the nut in clockwise or anticlockwise, the screw can be moved either forward or backward. Pitch of the screw gauge is defined as the distance covered by the screw when it makes one complete rotation between the consecutive threads. It is usually either 1 mm or 0.5 mm. Below is the experiment on how to measure the diameter of a given wire usiing screw gauge.


To measure diameter of a given wire using screw gauge.

Materials Required

Screw gauge


Half-meter scale

Magnifying glass


What is least count?

Least count is given as:


If a screw gauge has a pitch of 1 mm and 100 divisions on the circular scale then the least count is given as:


How to take the linear scale reading?

Linear scale reading is taken by noting the mark on the linear scale which is close to the edge of the circular scale.

How to take circular scale reading?

Circular scale reading is taken by noting the division on the circular scale that coincides with the main scale reading.

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