describe the realm in santa clara valley that buck ruled over. from leaving the valley by jack london
The realm in Santa Clara valley that buck ruled over
- Buck was a dog, a mix of St. Bernard and Scotch Shepard and lived in the house of Judge Miller in Santa Clara valley.
- He was a proud dog who roamed the large and spacious house and garden like a king.
- He had the freedom to go anywhere he liked and not inside a dog house or kennel.
- He would accompany the Judge's daughters on walks and go hunting with his sons.
- He was also the favorite of the Judge's grandchildren and carried them on his back.
- He was treated equal to the humans at the Judge's house.
Hope this helps.
Buck mainly lived in the home of Judge Miller in Santa Clara Valley and whole realm belongs to him as he describes Buck as a ruler, "king over all creeping, flying things of Judge Miller's place with the human included.
It also mainly explain Buck's relationship with cohabitants in the house.
Love, genuine passionate love, was his for the first time and it had never experienced at Judge Miller's down.