Political Science, asked by devideepa558, 8 months ago

Describe the relationship between advertising and democracy​


Answered by anilrajakkumar9


Democracy has equality as its integral part. There are many ways in which advertising links to the issues of equality.

Cost: Advertising involves enormous costs. Advertising a brand usually involves crores of rupees. The money that is spent on advertising is for

Producing and showing advertisements

Repeating the advertisements many times so that it registers in the minds of the people. This is important because already there are a number of advertisements of a number of brands. So repeating one’s advertisement increases the chances of consumers remembering the particular brand.


Answered by alokkrsingh9430


besan se between advertising and democracy is that is in a democratic setup every individual or manufacture can advertise a product which is only possible by spending use money but what happens to a person who make sweet aur Samosa at home and sells them from door to door these small business do not have the money to spend on advertising that depend on people who believe that brand and packaged goods are better what is available at the local corner shop has to compete against foreign spelling in a brand name the small business fail to convoys the people that they can vi quality goods even if they do not a caddy grand name the package most people of to buy back package Titan believing then we better than the item sold without package for example ground floor semolina we discover that open ground items from a local shop Chakki may be of better quality than the fact once the brands use create discrimination in the society which is under democratic and create an equality among the masses

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