English, asked by amanshuklajaisinghna, 1 day ago

describe the room of Gerrard?

answer fast ​


Answered by rangersamurai756

The play was set in a small cottage with a room which had two entrances, one is on the right side with a curtain and another one is on left hand side. The furniture was too simple in it, consisting a small table towards left, one or two chair and a divan. Again there was a telephone on the table.


Answered by look4anandanblr



The room has simple furniture- a small table to the left, a chair or two and a small bed on the right side of the room. On the table, a telephone is kept. As the curtain on the stage is rolled up, Gerrard is found standing by the table, making a phone call. He is of medium height and is wearing spectacles that are in the shape of horns.

hope it helps

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