Describe the seven wonders of the world from the past
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The seven wonders of the world from past are:
1). Great Pyramid of Giza(Egyptian). The oldest of the wonders, and the only one still standing.
2).Hanging Gardens of Babylon(Babylonian). Built by Queen Semmu-ramat or King Nebuchadnazzer II. The exact location of this monument is not known. It was in Mesopotamia.
3). Statue of Zeus at Olympia(Greek). A gigantic statue made of marble and ivory, with applied gold leaf.
4). Temple of Artemis(Greek). in Ephesus,Asia Minor(modernTurkey), on the Aegean Sea. It was burnt down by Herostratus in 350 BC. When questioned, he is said to have replied: "To make my name immortal". First known crime committed for fame.
5).Mausoleum of Maussollos(Persian). Tomb of the Anatolian king of that name, built by his widow Artemisia, at Halicarnassus(present Bodrum, Turkey).
6). Colossus of Rhodes(Greek). Built to commemorate the raising of the siege of Rhodes Ian BC. At 30 metres, the tallest statue in the ancient world.
7). Lighthouse of Alexandria(Egyptian/Greek). Called the Pharos, this was built for Ptolemy II, about 280 BC. To this day, 'Pharos' is the name for lighthouse in several European languages.
Hope it helps!!!
1). Great Pyramid of Giza(Egyptian). The oldest of the wonders, and the only one still standing.
2).Hanging Gardens of Babylon(Babylonian). Built by Queen Semmu-ramat or King Nebuchadnazzer II. The exact location of this monument is not known. It was in Mesopotamia.
3). Statue of Zeus at Olympia(Greek). A gigantic statue made of marble and ivory, with applied gold leaf.
4). Temple of Artemis(Greek). in Ephesus,Asia Minor(modernTurkey), on the Aegean Sea. It was burnt down by Herostratus in 350 BC. When questioned, he is said to have replied: "To make my name immortal". First known crime committed for fame.
5).Mausoleum of Maussollos(Persian). Tomb of the Anatolian king of that name, built by his widow Artemisia, at Halicarnassus(present Bodrum, Turkey).
6). Colossus of Rhodes(Greek). Built to commemorate the raising of the siege of Rhodes Ian BC. At 30 metres, the tallest statue in the ancient world.
7). Lighthouse of Alexandria(Egyptian/Greek). Called the Pharos, this was built for Ptolemy II, about 280 BC. To this day, 'Pharos' is the name for lighthouse in several European languages.
Hope it helps!!!
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