Sociology, asked by ideba2011, 1 year ago

Describe the situation: what you should do with the backward child in your surrounding.


Answered by Anonymous
If you’ve raised children, are raising children, or have ever been around children, you know that regression is a pretty typical part of childhood.

Regression is when your fully trained four-year-old starts having accidents or wetting the bed. Regression is when your independent-to-a-fault three-year-old suddenly won’t sleep without every light in the house on. Regression is when your five-year-old senior kindergarten student starts having a temper tantrum every time you say the word “school.”

Regression is a stage in which a child displays a behaviour that is developmentally younger than they are. Typically they are showing behaviour that they have already grown out of, such as wanting a bottle or a pacifier. Other examples of common regressive behaviours are temper tantrums, whining, aggression, thumb sucking and baby talk.

Regressive behaviour can be caused by stress, frustration or a traumatic event. Some common causes are the arrival of a new sibling, divorce, dealing with a death, moving or starting a new school or daycare. In these situations, children often feel insecure, angry or scared, and lack the communication skills to share these feelings with the adults in their lives. As a result, children revert to behaviours that they know will attract the attention of these adults.

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