History, asked by madee3812, 11 months ago

Describe the social and economic effect of the world war on usa and britain


Answered by prasennavignesh
ans.The Political Impact of World War I

There is a lot that can be said of the political effects of World War I, so we'll try to focus on the highlights. This will be rather 'rapid-fire' in terms of content, so hang on tight. Here we go.

Under the Treaty of Versailles, Germany was required to make significant territorial concessions. These were primarily along its eastern and western borders. Probably the most important concession was the ceding of Alsace-Lorraine to France. This area had been the subject of dispute between France and Germany for a long time. This area bordering the two countries had been ceded to Germany following its victory in the Franco-Prussian War in 1871.

For decades afterwards, France wanted it back. Emerging as victorious powers in World War I, France and Great Britain jointly controlled Saarland for a period of fifteen years. Other parts of Germany were given to the newly independent country of Poland and to Denmark.

Coinciding with the end of World War I, a be argued convincingly that the United States emerged from World War I as the world superpower. Because of U.S. intervention and President Woodrow Wilson's diplomatic leadership, America had now become the 'savior of Europe.' The United States left World War I with a major confidence boost.

The Economic Impact of World War I

Let's look at the economic impact of World War I. Unlike in some European countries, the United States was not laid to waste by war. America's factories and countrysides were unharmed, and performing better than ever. World War I sped up American industrial production, leading to an economic boom throughout the 'Roaring Twenties.'

While the war was a devastating experience for France and the United Kingdom, these countries were able to recover economically without too much difficulty. It was Germany, however, that particularly suffered following the war. Under the Treaty of Versailles, Germany was required to make monetary payments to the Allies, called reparations. The heavy reparations, combined with the devastated economic infrastructure throughout Germany and political tension under the Weimar Republic, led to an economic depression.

Hyperinflation and unemployment in Weimar Germany were staggering. Reichsmarks, the German currency, became so devalued, that it took wheelbarrows full of money to buy basic items, such as a loaf of bread. One famous photograph shows children flying a kite made out of reichsmarks sewn together.

In the mid to late 1920′s, the German economy stabilized somewhat, but after the American stock market crash in 1929, the Great Depression spread to Germany. From 1929 into the early 1930′s, depression again wreaked havoc on German society. It was under these conditions that the Nazis were able to come to power.

The Social Effects of World War 1

How the first World War influenced music, art, unions, minorities, literature and the general feeling Social Effects of World War 1 MUSIC Art during this time period was referred to as "Dada."
Art during this time period was extremely depressing due to the depressing nature of the war they had just fought.
Art during this time period mainly focused on the events and depictions of the war, but artists also drew popular problems within society to voice their discomfort in everything at the time. Art Art Labor Unions African Americans World War One essentially ended people's romantic notions of war. General Feelings WW1 Literature after the war was declared, the American War Department were forced to stop accepting black volunteers because the African American quota was filled.
blacks could only serve limited positions in the Navy and Coast Guard. they could no serve in the Marines
After the War, African Americans served in cavalry, infantry, medicine, engineering, as well as serve menial positions such as surveyors and truck drivers
The African Americans that were able to travel over seas introduced black culture to Europe such as Jazz

Conquests from Armenians threatened the

mark me brainliest
Answered by Rememberful

\textbf{Social Effects }:

1. Work force were affected in England as most of the killed and maimed people were of the working age.

2. Women stepped into jobs as household income declined.

3. In England role and position of women changed for ever.

\textbf{Economic effects }:

1. Links of economy or economic links bewteen most of the major economic powers were snapped.

2. England borrowed a large amount of money from the US banks.

3. USA emerged as an international creditor.

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