History, asked by Deval7050, 1 year ago

Describe the social categories of roman empire ?(class xi history)


Answered by kjm61

Below is the pyramid of Roman society, with the emperor at top and slaves at the bottom. Multiple layers existed between them. While it was possible to move up and down this social latter, as the categories were not immutable, changing one’s social standing was extremely difficult and only possible through meritocratic institutions such as the military.

The Emperor

Head of Roman society and ruler of all Rome

Patrician Families

Wealthy influential landowning families


Served in the Senate and governed Rome


Wealthy property owners who chose business over politics


Working class. Men without substantial wealth who worked for their living at jobs such as artisans, craftsmen, bakers etc

Freed Slaves

Slaves who had either been given their freedom or had paid for their freedom and now worked for their living.


Generally prisoners of war but sometimes abandoned children who were owned by their master

This article is part of our larger resource on the Romans culture, society, economics, and warfare

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