describe the structure of france society during old regime
From 15th until the end of 18th century France was divided into three estates...
- Clergy
- Nobles
- Peasants
During this period all the powers were in the hand of Clergy as they were appointed in the high post. They used to rule over the people of third estate in a rude way. Other than this Nobles were the second power holder. All the land were under them. Most land owner came from this estate. and the third estate people were peasants who used to pay all the taxes. They were not given equal rights. Even in voting their votes were not counted equally. Though their majority was more their vote was counted as a half vote. Even they were not appointed in high post. They were treated vey harshly. During this century this people have suffered very badly because of the taxes and inequality. So we can conclude that During this reason all powers were in the hand of Clergy and Nobles.
I hope it will help you
1. In 1774 Louis XVI became the ruler of France and found am empty treasury upon the accession. it posed problems before the King.