Describe the study conducted in the 1930s by Margaret Mead.
Margaret Mead was an anthropologist and was best known for her studies of the subject like nonliterate peoples of the country Oceania, particularly with reference to various aspects of psychology and culture—the cultural conditioning of sexual activities, natural character, and culture variation and differences.
Anthropologist and writer Margaret Mead were born on December 16, 1901, in Philadelphia, U.S.A. Mead is regarded and respected with changing the way we study the different pattern of human cultures. Studying with Boas, Mead received a Ph.D. at Columbia University in 1930.
In 1930s, Margaret Mead, an anthropologist, conducted a study to understand the cultural variation in society.
She chose two groups that lived 100 miles apart and starts living with them. Their names were Arapesh and Mudugumor. On closely examining the society she noticed that there is a huge cultural difference between the societies.
Arapesh lived on the mountains while Mudugumor lived on a river bank. Arapesh planted garden while Mudugumor were generally hunters and gather foods. Food was scarce for Arapesh while Mudugumor had plenty of food and their life was easy.
She notices the difference in temperament between two societies. In Arapesh, Men and women were gentle to each other while people of Mudugumor were competitive and hostile. This study shows the wide variance between different cultures.