Biology, asked by deepesh1222, 1 year ago

Describe the technology that has successfully increased the heard size of cattle in a short time to meet increasing demands of growing human population


Answered by dorri
{\blue {Multiple     Ovulation   Embryo Transfer}}
{\blue {Technology}} (MOET) has successfully increased the herd size of cattle.

i) A cow is administrated hormones with FSH like activity to induce follicular maturation and superovulation. 

(ii) The cow produces 6-8 eggs in one cycle. 

(iii) Mating is done either with elite bull or artificial insemination is carried out. . 

(iv) When the fertilised egg, attain 8-32 celled stage, they are non-surgically removed and transferred to surrogate mother.

(v) The genetic mother can be again superovulated now.

Hope it helps you :)

#{\red{\underline{Be Brainly}}}
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