Describe the types of moraines
Terminal moraine
Recessional moraines
Lateral moraines
Medial moraines
Ground moraine
Terminal moraine is a moraine ridge that marks the maximum limit of a glacier advance. They form at the glacier terminus and mirror the shape of the ice margin at the time of deposition. The largest terminal moraines are formed by major continental ice sheets and can be over 100 m in height and 10s of kilometers long.
Recessional moraines are found behind a terminal moraine limit and form during short-lived phases of glacier advance or still stand that interrupt a general pattern of glacier retreat. In some cases, recessional moraines form on a yearly basis (normally as a result of winter glacier advances) and are known as annual moraines.
Lateral moraines form along the glacier side and consist of debris that falls or slumps from the valley wall or flows directly from the glacier surface12 (see image below). Where the rate of debris supply is high, lateral moraines can reach heights of more than 100 meters.
Medial moraines are debris ridges at the glacier surface running parallel to the direction of ice flow4,5. They are the surface (or supraglacial) expression of debris contained within the ice. Medial moraines form where lateral moraines meet at the confluence of two valley glaciers, or where debris contained in the ice is exposed at the surface due to melting in the ablation zone.
Ground moraine is a term used to describe the uneven blanket of till deposited in the low-relief areas between more prominent moraine ridges6. This type of moraine, which is also commonly referred to as a till plain, form at the glacier sole as due to the deformation and eventual deposition of the substratum.