Describe what happened when Mr and Mrs hall's entered the strangers room and saw the dancing furniture in the novel invisible man
At Iping, Griffin booked two rooms at an inn. He paid the rent in advance. The name of the landlady was Mrs Hall. She tolerated the strange behaviour of Griffin. Soon Griffin spent the stolen money. He told the landlady that he had no cash. He said that he was expecting a cheque. The next day, he stole money from the house of the clergyman. The clergyman and his wife were surprised. They had not seen anybody coming. The room was empty. Even then the money was stolen.
After some time, the landlord and his wife found that Griffin’s room was open. They entered the room but there was nobody. Griffin’s clothes and bandages were lying on the floor. Suddenly, the hat jumped and struck Mrs Hall’s face. Then the chair jumped and charged at her. The couple was afraid. They thought that there were ghosts in the room. They cried and ran downstairs.