describe why water is required in agriculture
Agricultural water is water that is used to grow fresh produce and sustain livestock. The use of agricultural water makes it possible to grow fruits and vegetables and raise livestock, which is a main part of our diet. Agricultural water is used for irrigation, pesticideExternal and fertilizer applicationsExternal, crop cooling (for example, light irrigation), and frost control. According to the United States Geological Survey (USGS), water used for irrigation accounts for nearly 65 percent of the world’s freshwater withdrawals excluding thermoelectric power (1). There are 330 million acres of land used for agricultural purposes in the United States that produce an abundance of food and other products (2).
Figure detailing statistical relationship between the population and the amount of water used in irrigation from 1950 to 2000. Population and irrigation rose concurrently until irrigation amounts reached a peak in 1980, after which population kept rising but irrigation dropped and held steady around 140 million gallons from 1985 to 2000.
Figure courtesy of USGS
When agricultural water is used effectively and safely, production and crop yield are positively affected. A decrease in applied water can cause production and yield to decrease. Management strategies are the most important way to improve agricultural water use and maintain optimal production and yield. The key is to implement management strategies that improve water use efficiency without decreasing yield. Some examples include improved irrigation scheduling and crop specific irrigation management. These strategies allow for the conservation of water and energy, and decrease grower’s costs (3).
The use of agricultural water makes it possible to grow fruits and vegetables and raise livestock, which is a main part of our diet. Agricultural water is used for irrigation, pesticide and fertilizer applications , crop cooling (for example, light irrigation), and frost control.
Water is one of the most precious resources we have on this earth and it is under increasing stress. All of us have a responsibility to provide leadership in preserving it for future generations. The EU has a particular role to play in this regard and takes its responsibility very seriously.
Water use in agriculture is at the core of any discussion of water and food security. Agriculture accounts for, on average, 70 percent of all water withdrawals globally, and an even higher share of “consumptive water use” due to the evapotranspiration requirements of crops. Worldwide, over 330 million hectares are equipped for irrigation. Irrigated agriculture represents 20 percent of the total cultivated land, but contributes 40 percent of the total food produced worldwide.
water and hydrogel in agriculture will continue to play a critical role in water holding. The population is expected to increase to over 10 billion by 2050, and whether urban or rural, this population will need food and fiber for its basic needs. Combined with the increased consumption of calories and more complex foods, which accompanies income growth in much of the developing world, it is estimated that agricultural production will need to expand 70% by 2050. If this expansion is not to come at the expense of massive land conversions and the consequent impact on carbon emissions, agriculture will have to intensify. Given that irrigated agriculture is, on average, at least twice as productive per unit of land, provides an important buffer against increasing climate variability, and allows for more secure crop diversification, it is certain that irrigation will continue to play a key role in ensuring global food and nutrition security...