Describe your most irresponsible action did you feel about it then? How do you feel about it now? Did you learn anything from the incident?
Time is precious,use it precisely!--Moral
The most irresponsible action of mine threatened the life of my brother when he was two years old.
It happened when I was five. I had gotten into the habit of exploring things, as all children at this age do. Now, I had extraordinarily large nostrils, and after a coincidental exploration, the details of whose process I'm ashamed to divulge, I figured out that I could easily fit a chickpea into each of them.
I was ecstatic at this discovery, and ran to my little brother who was two years old to show him the same. As I filled each nostril with one chickpea, my nose gained a resemblance to a pig's snout. He giggled, which encouraged me to continue. Then, with the greatest force of exhalation that I could muster, I forced air out of my nostrils such that the chickpeas exploded outwards like cannon balls.
It was at this moment that I noticed his cute nostrils. I wondered if I could fit a chickpea each into them, and promptly set out to test my idea. What I did not know was that even though I forced them in, they would get lodged in his nostril and would refuse to come out. As he started struggling to breathe, I knew he was in danger. I called my mom for help, and was severely reprimanded for my actions.
At the time of executing this irresponsible action, I only panicked. I definitely regretted what I did, but the regret was infinitesimally small compared to the panic. When I think about it today, when the panic is no more, I can't help but wonder what would have happened had there been no elder in the house.
What I learnt from the incident was that I shouldn't set out to explore things mindlessly, even if my heart urges me to. I learnt the importance of the prevalence of rationality over reckless emotion.