Economy, asked by sunyanani289, 6 months ago

describes the major parts if statical table draw a format of a table showing all thi part​


Answered by nunnabhavanisrini


A statistical table has at least four major parts and some other minor parts.

(1) The Title.

(2) The Box Head (column captions)

(3) The Stub (row captions)

(4) The Body.

(5) Prefatory Notes.

(6) Foot Notes.

(7) Source Notes. The general sketch of table indicating its necessary parts is shown below:

Answered by anweshaj615

Major Functional Parts of Statistical Tablea.Table Number. Each table must be given a number. Table number helps indistinguishing one table from other tables. Usually tables are numbered according tothe order of their appearance in a chapter. For example, the first table in the firstchapter of a book should be given number 1.1 and second table of the same chapterbe given 1.2 Table number should be given at its top or towards the left of the table.b. Title of the Table. Every table should have a suitable title. It should be short & clear.Title should be such that one can know the nature of the data contained in the table aswell as where and when such data were collected. It is either placed just below thetable number or at its right. A title is the main heading written in capital shown at thetop of the table. It must explain the contents of the table and throw light on the tableas whole different parts of the heading can be separated by commas there are no fullstop be used in the little.c.The Box Head (column captions). Caption refers to the headings of the columns. Itconsists of one or more column heads. A caption should be brief, concise and self-explanatory, Column heading is written in the middle of a column in small letters.The heading of each column is called a column caption, while the section of a tablethat contains the column captions, is referred to as box head.The vertical heading and subheading of the column are called columns captions. Thespaces were these column headings are written is called box head. Only the first letterof the box head is in capital letters and the remaining words must be written in smallletters.d.Stub(Row captions). Stub refers to the headings of rows. The horizontal headingsand sub heading of the row are called row captions and the space where these rowsheadings are written is called stub.e.Body. This is the most important part of a table. It contains a number of cells. Cellsare formed due to the intersection of rows and column. Data are entered in these cells.It is the main part of the table which contains the numerical information classifiedwith respect to row and column captions.15Tabular Method.Provides a more precise, systematic and orderlypresentation of data in rows or columns. Tabulation is the process of condensingclassified data and arranging them in a table.

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