History, asked by ishwaridevendra5, 2 months ago

Descriptions of the battles fought by Babur Tuzuk-i-Babari Purpose of Historiography Ziauddin Barani Kalhana History of Kashmir Sabhasad Bakha Shivaji Maharaj The reign of Chhatrapati
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Answered by bishaldasdibru

Answer :

Explanation :

Babur was a Chaghatai Turkic-Mughal emperor who founded the Mughal Empire in India. He wrote the Tuzuk-i-Babari, a memoir that details his life and the battles he fought to establish his rule.

Historiography is the study of the methods and practices used by historians in the interpretation and presentation of historical information.

Ziauddin Barani was a 14th century Muslim historian and political thinker from Delhi. He is known for his works on the political history of the Delhi Sultanate, particularly his Tarikh-i-Firuz Shahi.

Kalhana was a 12th century historian from Kashmir, who wrote the Rajatarangini, a historical chronicle of the kings of Kashmir.

Sabhasad Bakha was a 17th century court poet and historian from the Maratha Empire. He wrote the Sabhasad Bakhar, a history of the Maratha king Shivaji Maharaj.

Shivaji Maharaj was a Maratha king in 17th century India, who established a powerful Maratha kingdom and is considered a hero in Maharashtra.

The reign of Chhatrapati refers to the rule of the Chhatrapati, a title used by the Maratha kings of India. The most famous Chhatrapati was Shivaji Maharaj.

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