English, asked by ageetanshu26, 1 year ago

Descriptive paragraph on International Yoga Day


Answered by sufi28


yoga day is called yoga day because on yoga day we do yoga yoga is the most important yoga

Answered by Sannushaikh879


international yoga day is celebrated on 21st of June each year practicing yoga is one of a way to grow into a better human being with a sharp mind,a good heart and a relaxed soul


The first yoga day was celebratedoing with gusto around the globe but the site at Rajput,Delhi was on of its kind.different forms of yoga benefits our physical and mental in different ways .the fact is that yoga is a way of life .there are various yoga that helps to keep your body fit and healty .pranayama or breathing exercise helps you to rejuvenate your mind and soul.etc

hence yoga is suitable for children also .






I hope this will help you

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