Deseribe one specific advantages, and one specific disadvantage, of using wind to generate electricity compared which using fossil like coal and oil.
Answer :-
To obtain wind power, the kinetic energy of wind is used to create mechanical power. A generator converts this power into electricity so that it may be used for the benefit of mankind. Recently, different types of electricity generation have been a frequent topic of debate amongst experts. Surely, wind energy is one of the frontrunners of the technological breakthroughs that might lead to more efficient energy production. At a glance, the future of wind energy seems promising. This may be the case, but there are also some disadvantages that must be considered.
The advantages of wind energy are more apparent than the disadvantages. The main advantages include an unlimited, free, renewable resource (the wind itself), economic value, maintenance cost, and placement of wind harvesting facilities. First and foremost, wind is an unlimited, free, renewable resource.
The two major disadvantages of wind power include initial cost and technology immaturity. Firstly, constructing turbines and wind facilities is extremely expensive. The second disadvantage is technology immaturity. [1] High cost of energy can, in part, be addressed directly with technology innovations that increase reliability and energy output and lower system capital expenses. Offshore wind energy produces more energy than onshore wind energy, but costs much more to establish.