design a experiment showing the transpiration happens only in live plants not in dead sticks or plant
please answer, im waiting for your answer
1. Experiment to demonstrate the transpiration phenomenon with the bell jar method:
Bell jar, well-watered potted plant, rubber sheet, glass plate, Vaseline.
1. Take a well-watered, healthy potted plant and cover the pot with the help of rubber sheet. Only aerial parts of the plant should remain uncovered.
2. Keep the potted plant on a glass plate and cover it with a bell jar
3. Apply vaseline at the base of the bell jar to prevent the outer air to pass in the bell jar.
4. Keep the whole apparatus in light and observe for some time.
5. Set another experiment exactly in the same way except that the pot should be without any plant.
Water drops appear inside the wall of the bell jar containing a potted plant while there is no drop in the another bell jar which is without any plant.
Because water drops appear only in the bell jar in which pot is having a plant with its only aerial parts exposed, so it can be concluded that these drops appeared due to the process of transpiration from the aerial parts of the plant. The same can also be concluded by the observations of the control apparatus, in which no water drop appears due to the absence of plant in the pot.