Design considerations for dam on alluvial soil in india
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The foundations for numerous dams in proglacial and interglacial valleys in the Prairie provinces consist of soft alluvial soils. The deposits are up to 60 m deep, and contain thick layers of clay interspersed with lenses and layers of silt, sand, and gravel.This paper describes the damsite investigation and laboratory testing required, the design methods and construction procedures used, and the foundation performance observed during and after construction. A number of empirical relationships between index tests and physical properties of the soils, which provide useful guidelines for preliminary design, are presented.The design approach has gradually evolved from an empirical design with limited testing to a more rational design based on detailed investigations and thorough instrumentation. Increased reliance is placed on observational apparatus to monitor movements and pore pressures to confirm design assumptions as construction proceeds. The theoretical design is always checked with former designs of dams that have performed satisfactorily.Safe economical dams have been constructed in spite of large deformations and high pore pressures. Two case histories illustrate the wide range in dam design for alluvial foundations. The first shows an older design cross section with modifications required to ensure a stable dam, and the second describes a recently constructed dam that incorporates many of the latest design concepts
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