Dev, Kumar, Nilesh, Ankur and Pintu are standing facing to the North in a playground such that Kumar is at 40 m to the right of Ankur. Dev is are 60 m in the South of Kumar. Nilesh is at a distance of 25 m in the West of Ankur. Pintu is at a distance of 90 m in the North of Dev. If a boy starting from Nilesh, met Ankur and then Kumar and after this he met Dev and then Pintu and all the time he walked in a straight line, then how much total distance did he cover? Options: (a) 215 m (b) 155 m (c) 245 m (d) 185 m
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A is the right answer
nilesh will meet ankur which is 25m then he meet kumar who is 40 m away from ankur rhen he met dev who is 60m away from kumar and to meet pintu he has to distance = 215m.
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