English, asked by sheetadaharath, 1 year ago

Develop a story based on the given situation.Ramesh entered the school library.He wished to borrow a story book.He turned towards the shelves.He was looking for a story book.He moved from one shelf to another.Suddenly he heard a voice.......


Answered by upenderjoshi28

Ramesh entered the school library to borrow a book. As he turned towards the shelves looking for a story book, he suddenly heard a voice, “What are you looking for?” Stunned to hear the voice with no one in the library except him, he turned to see whose voice that was. In the corner, farthest from the door, stood a small tree with proper face just at the top of the trunk from where it branched off into many boughs. It was some divine tree, belonging to some different world! Ramesh asked in consternation,” who are you? What do you want from me?” The tree smiled and replied, “I am the god of all trees on your planet. Don’t be afraid. I am visiting men and women to give them a very important message concerning their future. Would you like to receive the message?”


The gentleness and the affable tone in the god-tree’s voice intrigued Ramesh. He felt attracted and curious towards the tree. Coming closer to him he asked the god-tree, “What message do you have for me?” “The message is not only for you. It is for your entire species. Come closer to me. I have something to show to you,” said the god-tree reassuringly. As Ramesh went further close to it, it showed him a beautiful scepter which was made of pure crystal. On its top was a miniature tree-like branches, and twigs covered with leaves. He noticed the scepter was glowing with a red light in it. “Look at the scepter closely”, said he. He handed him the scepter. As he held it and focused his eyes on it, fluorescent green words sent shivers up his spine. The words were: ‘EXTREMELY CRITICAL’.” What do these words mean”, asked he from the tree-god. “They mean the number of trees in your city is far less than are needed to supply enough oxygen for the people to live. Do something. Plant more tress in millions, and grow them into full trees, otherwise the day is approaching when people in your city will collapse due to lack of oxygen. That’s all. I have to go to other cities to give the same crucial message,” said the tree-god and vanished. Ramesh was left thunderstruck, confounded, not knowing what to do!

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