English, asked by Anveshasamadder, 2 months ago

Develop each outline into a readable story:
1. A hungry lion--no prey-goes into a jackal's cave-waits till
evening--the jackal comes-smells danger-calls out, "Dear
Cave, good morning."No reply. The jackal again says, "Hello
Cave, why don't you return my greeting today?"-the lion
is taken in-roars aloud in reply-the jackal runs away.​


Answered by drlsequeira


Somewhere around the 20th century, a strong but daft lion went in search of food. But to his dismay, all the prey he hunted weren't to be found and the malnourished lion became hungrier and much more frustrated. Eventually, he stumbled upon a cave, which was much like his. He hopefully peered inside only to see two bright yellow eyes. He grinned and slowly gave a sly smile. Unlike the lion, the jackal wasn't only street smart, but also extremely crafty and devious. Thinking fast, he asked in a concerned, motherly manner,“ Dear Cave, good morning!”The lion was aghast. He just couldn't believe his ears! “ Caves talk? This animal must be a few peas short of his casserole!”, said the witless lion to himself. Hearing no answer, the jackal called again and the half-witted lion answered in cowardly roar. The jackal learning of the lions plans, fled from the cave, smiling slyly and cunningly. The idiotic lion roaring, learnt an hour later that his prey had fled and walked away slowly, feeling more foolish than he had ever felt before.


“ A few peas short of a casserole is just another way of saying that someone is kind of crazy..

hope this helps!!!

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