Dialogue between brother and a sister discussing about saving water at home
Ali: Hey, was it you that left the tap running again?
Amna: yes, sorry, that was an accident.
Ali: Amna you need to be more careful, you dont understand the dire need for saving water these days.
Amna: What do you mean Ali, it was just a little bit of water?
Ali: The thing you and many other people need to understand is that our global worlds condition is deteriorating as well as the water reserves in our country. We are not able to consume the same amount as we used to earlier.
Amna: Why?
Ali: Because we are not producing enough water.
Amna: Oh, ill be more careful next time, i promise.
Ali: Yes, we should save water.
Brother: Hey sister what are you doing
Sister: I am washing clothes. Why are you asking? Can't you see?
Brother: Yes I can see that and also I can see that you are wasting a lot of water by keeping the tap on. Please close it.
Sister: oh I am so sorry.