Dialogue between chalk and duster in English
Chalk- Im so powerful,i have a strong impact on anyone who reads what i write.
Duster- what powerful?
c-i can make things appear just like magic...im sure master like me.
d-master likes u? thats the best joke ive ever heard in days.
c-why? whats wrong with me? im sure everyone likes me i am just the best u know.
d-what do u mean by everyone?
c- by everyone i mean master and his students.
d-well can i say something? im more powerful....
c-umm explain....
d- if u think u r more powerful because u can make so many things appear then i can make them disappear...so if u r the mst powerful and i can win against u then that means im the most powerful...hahaha isnt that right mr chalk?
chalk=good morning duster = today I am sleeping bro chalk= why you are sleeping now duster =because of you chalk =I had not done anything you don't lie duster =because of you my face look bad chalk =you know that every person is using me duster =if I am not there then you cannot write with me chalk =sorry duster=it okay