English, asked by gagan201019, 1 year ago

Dialogue between mother and daughter on isue child marriage


Answered by Deepanshu8256
hope it helps :)

Ankeeru: good ans
Deepanshu8256: thank you
Ankeeru: welcome
gagan201019: But on child marriage
gagan201019: Plzzz answer accurately
gagan201019: Plzzz fast
Answered by kvnmurty

Soumya: Mom, did you hear this ? Our maid Lakshmi's daughter Vidya is 
               getting married. She just told me.
Deepti:   Oh, really? I'm shocked to hear that. She's just 13 years old. That's 
              not right at all. I will talk to Lakshmi and convince her to stop it.

Soumya:  Why do you want to stop it ?
Deepti:   13 years is not an age to get married. She does not understand 
               what marriage is. Also she is not fit physically for marriage yet.
Soumya:  Then why are they trying marry her off?
Deepti:    It's because of our age old traditions. Also people like them feel 
             that girls are a burden to take care. They also feel that girls anyway
             leave the house after their marriage. So they are eager to send her
             off. Further younger ones get married easily.

Soumya:  That is not fair, Mom, right ?
Deepti:   true, it isn't fair. Often parents want to take pleasure in marrying 
              their children during their adolescence itself. That is for safety
              in case they fall down economically. Also, girls are given in 
              marriage due to external pressures by money lenders, because
              they cannot repay their debts.

Soumya:  I don't like this at all. I think Vidya should refuse to marry and 
              continue her schooling. She is also helping her mother in 
              household works.
Deepti:  You are right. Child marriages started off centuries ago, when
              foreign invaders raided Indian towns and carried off unmarried
              virgins. They left married women and girls untouched.
Soumya: Oh, really? I understand now, why our ancestors were married
              very young.

Deepti:  That was perhaps good in one sense. But that lead to many 
            problems, like high mortality during childbirth of girls and newborns.

            Also many women remained illiterate and dependent on husband 

           and children during the whole life. Also, they could not teach their 

           children much except being a cook and an aaya.

Soumya:  In the hurry to tie their children in marriage and see their families
             grow, the parents miss some important points.
Deepti:  Yes. It is our important duty to stop this practice. Government has
              banned child marriages. Until a girls is 18 years old, she should 
              not be married.  She should preferably be sent to school.
Soumya: Right. I will tell this to Vidya. I will ask her to study well and 
             find her own good choice later on. There is nothing to fear about
             girl's marriage nowadays.

Deepti:  You are right. Tomorrow when Lakshmi comes in, I will speak to
             her and change her decision. In case she doesn't agree, I will 
             inform the government authorities.
Soumya: Ok, Mom. I am going out to play some cricket now. Serve me 
             snacks and Bournvita.

kvnmurty: click on red heart thanks above
skullcandy3: great ans
kvnmurty: thanks
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