English, asked by RucArpitamadhyamav, 1 year ago

dialogue between two friends on terrorism


Answered by nancyvaghani
 usman; Asslam-o-Alaikum aslamaslam;Wa-Alaikum-us-Salamusman;how are you?aslam;i am fine,how are you?.usman;i m too fine.aslam;what were you doing?usman;i was attending a seminar on terrorism.aslam;why are you looking sad today?usman;i am feeling very sorry for innocent lives. i came to know thatThousands of innocent lives die a year because of terrorism.aslam;yes usman,Terrorism has been around for as long as eole canremember, but for the ast ten years there!s been a dramatic rise in activity.Terrorists use murder, kidnaing, hi"acking and bombings to ursue a oliticalagenda.usman;Terrorism haens all over the world, in every way, shae and form.We cannot let terrorism revail.#akistan is hardly earned country,so we shouldbe unite against terrorism and sto it. $ think that national unity is the main reason for terrorism,because #akistanination isn!t unite.$S%A& has never condonded any terrorist actions, the grousbehind any attack use their religion to "ustify any kind of attack.aslam;no,the reason for terrorist acts is because of hate towards nationalityand religion,our enemy foreign countries suort these terrorist grous and usethem against us.usman; As a civili'ed society we can!t resort to terrorism.(veryone has aresonsibility to take action.(veryone in the country needs to unite to combatterrorism.)ut unfortunately,we are not unite,our olitical leaders "ust want tosecure their osition and they are the biggest reason for the division in nation.aslam;no usman,our nation is unite and the war of *+ is the best eamleof nation!s unity.terrorism is very much secretive and our enemies would nevermiss this oourtunity to roduce harm for our country.usman;/ou are right,but that!s not the comlete truth.i know the war of *+but the situation is different now and we are not so much unite as we were.ourenemies would not miss any oortunity to cause harm but nothing can haen if there!s unity in the nation.aslam;try to understand what i am saying.i think you are still a child.everythingis clear like water,Terror grous are constantly work on obtaining 0uclear and)iological weaons to carry out attacks.They want to destroy our countrybecause our enemies want this.usman;1nfortunately,the terrorists are our own eole.they dont thinkthemselves as the art of this country and they want their own government.if weare one nation then they would be helless and can!t roduce harm.our nationconsist of many grous,one grou is sayong 2o 0awa' 2o and other grou issaying 3o $mran 3o.but the whole nation should say 2o terrorism 2o and 3oterrorist 3o.this is the way which would lead us to the unity against terrorism.if we are unite then the foreign countries can!t do anything in our homeland.aslam;$ think that you are right usman,no one can do anything if we are uniteand we should be one nation.we are not un"abi,sindhi or balochi,we are#akistani and we are roud of our homeland.usman;yes Aslam,We must all unite to hel fight terrorism.aslam;%ets "oin hands to say 2ood )ye to terrorism and make our country theideal one.usman;offcourse,i am with you and we shall try our best for the unity of wholenation and make our homeland a eacefull country.aslam;i forget to ay my hostel dues.i have to ay my hostel dues right now.ihave to go.see you tomorrow.
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