English, asked by ishugreen, 1 year ago

Dialogue writing between two
food items on "Components of Healthy Food "


Answered by zyan
1. Decide on speakers (sides of the discussion):

          You ought to have thought about it before you start writing your piece actually. If we're talking about healthy food, then I believe, that the best way get you started is to to take two, completely opposite types of food, like veggy vs fast-food
          Ok! We've got our groups, now let's have a representative for each group. I have chosen broccoli and a burger, but It can be whatever actually. I just like the idea of a fat burger talking to a sleek broccoli ;) 
          Last thing to do is to give both of our speakers a stand. In other words, give them the ideology they would pursue. It would be weird if a burger started talking about important it is to eat lots of greens and focus on nutrition, wouldn't it. Therefore, for sake of this example let's follow the hypotheses below: 

          BroccoliHealthiness is way more important than the taste!
          BurgerIt's all about taste! After, we live to feel good!

2. Prepare some disputable points (things on which it would be hard for both sides to agree on)

          We have to have some nice argumentable points here to keep our discussion going. Let's say that we will use some of the following ones: 

                 - Balance between being healthy and eating what you like
                 - The amount of food we should eat 
                 - Cravings - fight them or embrace them? 
                 - To 'eat out' or to 'eat in'? 
                 - How important are the 'natural products'? *

          I'm sure you noticed the asterisk (*) added to the last point. It is because that's the point which we're going to finish our discussion with. It's the point, our speakers will agree on. It's a good way to wrap things up as well, because it gives a chance to finish up without a fight ;)
          Why did I choose such a point as the one both speakers agree on?Well, no matter the type of cousine you make, be it fat and greasy or green and light, it can still be healthy if all of your ingredients are healthy. Therefore,having good quality base products is the most important thing if we want to eat healthy
3. Examplary part of the discussion

          ModeratorThe next topic we are going to talk about is The importance of natural products in our daily diet. We are going to start with Ms. Broccoli. Let's start. 
          BroccoliWell, I think it's self explanatory, that eating modified products is really bad for health, do I really need to explain that to anybody? To be more specific, I believe that things like: peticides, genetic modification, unnatural growth environment, chemical conservation, etc. don't make our food better. On the contrary, it makes our food way less healthy and well... 

          Burger... less tasty! I know, I know that you have to be going around that 'being healthy' agenda, but that's not all! It's not the only problem! Have you ever tried eating meat from animals which were on antibiotics? Or other drugs? Have you seen how much water is poured into meat, to make it heavier? All the additional agents used in food processing could easily make almost the whole periodic table. 

          BroccoliI hate to say that, but I do need to agree with Mr. Burger. Not only have the industry made our food unhealthy, but also it ripped us from the richness of flavours it once had! It's good though, that there still places, where you can buy bio-products.

          Burger: True! That's exactly where you should get your food from! Eco-shops and ec-farms can give you the best products possible. There is a downfall though, they are a lot more expensive than the rest...

          Broccoli: Yes they are, but then again - can you put a price tag on your health?

          Burger: Or the rich, mushy and full taste?

          Moderator: Thank you, both of you for a very heated, but extremely educative discussion. Let's hear a round of applause for our speakers! Mrs. Broccoli and Mr. Burger! Good night!

Answered by psj
Potato Chips : Hai there. How do you do?
Orange : Hai I feel fine. How's your day going?
Potato Chips :Its a fine day. Yesterday our madam's son was eating
a lot of chips. But no one is eating you.
Orange : l am so sad about it because his health will go very down
Potato Chips : No that's impossible. You are jealous because no one
is eating you.
Orange : No my friend you and the junk foods like chocolate and all
chemicals and preservatives which are harmful to their 
health. Eating fruits like us will give them energy and 
maintains the body's health.
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