English, asked by dv1verma, 1 year ago

diary entry-imagine that you were one of the students who witnessed the humiliation done to kalam in the classroom.Reflet on the incident and write your emotions in your diary?

het: There are two incidents regarding the humiliation done to Kalam-1. He was beaten badly by his teacher for not doing homework. 2. He was seperated by a hindu teacher from his friend Ramanandhan. I know the second incident but about which one do you want me to answer?


Answered by mohdjameelakthar9


hope this is helpful to you

diary entry imagine that you were one of the students who witnessed..

Answered by kodurichandu13


The conversation with my diary, about the humiliation done to Kalam, in front of us, in classroom is as follows.


My dear diary,

Today has been the most hardest and upsetting day of my life. I don't know how to express, how unhappy I am. This is because of few depressed things that happened today. 

Today, I saw my classmate 'Kalam,' who is a brilliant and clever kid in our entire class being humiliated. Ramanadhan was Kamals' best friend. They were wonderful friends who always supported one other, regardless of their religion, caste, or other differences

Also, we all were very exciting, since a new English teacher was on his way to our school today. And, he arrived. But, as soon as he entered the class room, he observed Kalam and Ramanadhan, and asked Kalam to sit in the last bench, far from Ramanadhan. This is because, Kalam is Muslim and Ramadhan is a Brahmin

The English teacher being orthodox, he then told Kalam to get back to his seat. But, this whole scene disturbed the whole class and we all decided, not to accept him as a English teacher. This humiliation made Kalam weep and made all of us, sad.

This English teacher is a wrong example for being a teacher.

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