Diary entry on what you are afraid of or what makes you anxious
When you set your mind on a goal, you do whatever it takes to get to the finish line. I had set my mind on the sport of triathlon, and the only way to hit the finish line is to literally, swim, bike and run. So when my husband gifted me a hot shot road bike, I accepted it with open arms and oh so much excitement.
There is nothing the mind cannot overcome
And so I began to ride. And this, is how my day 3 on the bike went. 20 miles at turtle speed. It was my first time on the road.
It was *hard* but mostly *scary*.
I didn’t know how much fear was in me until now. I thought I was a fearless beast. Pfft! Yeah right!
I couldn’t get myself to keep the foot on the pedal and push off. It felt scary.
Changing the gears is so completely new. I dunno what to do. I’m scared.
There’s too much traffic. No one’s stopping. I can’t cross. I’m scared.
There’s a turn coming up. I don’t know how to turn. I’m scared.
There’s a head wind. And it’s harsh. It’s blowing me towards the traffic. I’m scared.
There’s a bridge coming up. It’s made of wood and there’s a creek below. I’m scared of heights. I’m scared of water. I’m gonna fall. I’m scared.
There are cars moving super fast right by me. I sometimes lose my balance and go sideways. I’m scared.
Legs are hurting. Heart is in my mouth. I’m speeding. Too many trees. I’m gonna hit a tree. I’m scared.
It’s a hill. I need to climb. Change the gears. Go to the smallest but not to the last cos cross chaining is bad. I dunno which gear I’m in. I can’t look. I’m gonna fall. Too many cars speeding by. I’m scared.
Husband is nowhere to be seen. I need to catch up. Go to a smaller gear. Peddle hard. Up the cadence. Ok that felt good. I’m getting better but man I’m speeding. Speed is scary. I need to break, slow down.. I’m scared.
But hey, I’m almost at the finish. Oh wait, I’m here, It’s over. I did it. And oh man, does that feel wonderful or what?!
A little back story … I got on a bike at the age of 15 for the first time and rode maybe 2 or 3 months and never looked at it. The next I picked up a bike was last year. Being a rookie I’m ok with the *fear*.
There’s NOTHING the MIND cannot OVERCOME.
And this applies to anything in life and in business. When we set big goals for ourselves, we always have to do things that are completely new and out of our comfort zone. Things that are normal and average to some, may feel scary. But, if you want something bad enough you go for it. You know you are more powerful than your fear. ⠀⠀
If something has been holding you back from taking your business to the new level, realize what it is that’s stopping you.
Are you holding yourself back from telling your story to your tribe because you are worried about criticism? Or not being heard at all?
Are you too shy to be the face of your brand?
Does camera shyness hold you back from putting yourself out there more, connecting with your tribe and building that know, like, trust factor with them?
Do you feel sleazy to sell your services and your value to potential customers and clients and hold yourself back in your business?
Whatever the challenge is, you can go over that and stand tall and strong!
What small actions can you take to conquer those challenges? They say practice makes perfect. And it does. Small but consistent action can take you a long way.
Your mind has the power to manifest like there’s no tomorrow. Tap in to that. Shine your own light because we are all here for a purpose. Don’t dull your brightness cos of fear. You got this!
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