Physics, asked by salimkhan4804, 1 year ago

Difference between bad and good conductor of heat


Answered by J13

materials that allow heat to pass are called good conductors of heat while bad conductors also called as insulators do not conduct heat.

it is also observed that good conductors of heat are good conductors of electricity while bad conductors of heat are bad conductors of electricity

it is also said that an insulator or bad conductors have 8 valence electrons while conductors have less than 8

Answered by aysha24

good conductors the materials that allow the electricity to pass through them easily whereas,bad conductors are the materials that do not allow electricity to pass through them are called bad conductors.

the examples of good conductor are iron,copper,aluminium etc are good conductors

the example of bad conductor are mica,rubber,plastic,glass,wood,dry hair,leather,pure water.

hope my answer helped you.

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