Difference between basidium and ascus
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What is an Ascus?
Ascomycetes is a higher phylum of kingdom fungi. Ascomycete is a big phylum which includes over 44,00o known species. Ascomycetes fungi are well known organic matter decomposers in the soil. They are also used in industries for antibiotic and organic acids production. This group of fungi produces conidia during asexual reproduction and ascospores during their sexual reproduction. These spores germinate and produce new fungal hyphae to continue their generations.
Ascospores are produced inside a special reproductive cell called ascus. Ascus is a sac-shaped cell which contains ascospores of ascomycetes fungi. It is a microscopic structure, which develops within the mycelial mat, and produces ascospores internally. Usually, ascus contains eight spores inside it. Hence, the name ascus is given to this structure. Some ascomycetes fungi produce four ascospores inside the ascus. There are also species with just one spore per ascus and others with over a hundred spores per ascus. Spore number within ascus changes with the fungal species. The production of ascus or asci is an important characteristic which distinguishes ascomycetes from other fungi. Ascospores and asci are specific to ascomycetes. Hence ascomycetes fungi are easily identified by the presence of asci within their mycelium.
What is a Basidium?
Basidiomycetes is another phylum of kingdom fungi which belongs to higher macrofungi. There are about 25,000 species of basidiomycetes. Mushrooms and toadstools are two familiar types of basidiomycetes. Basidiomycetes are characterized by basidia formation. Basidium is a club-shaped structure which develops during the sexual reproduction of basidiomycetes. It is a microscopic structure and produces sexual spores called basidiospores. Basidia are developed on the hymenophore of fruiting bodies of basidiomycetes. The presence of basidia is unique to basidiomycetes.
A basidium usually produces four basidiospores and occasionally two or eight spores. However, it can change with the fungal species. Basidia produce narrow prong structures called sterigmata. One basidium produces four sterigmata, and at the tip of the sterigma, each basidiospore is developed externally. At the mature state, basidiospores are discharged forcibly from the sterigmata to the environment
Ascus vs Basidium
Ascus is a sac-shaped reproductive cell which produces sexual spores called ascospores.Basidium is a club-shaped sexual cell which produces sexual spores of basidiomycetes called basidiospores.Fungal PhylumAscus is a sexual reproductive structure unique to phylum Ascomycetes.Basidium is a sexual reproductive structure unique to phylum Basidiomycetes.Spore ProductionAscospores are produced internally by the ascus.Basidiospores are produced externally by the basidium.Spore NumberAn ascus usually bears eight ascospores.A basidium usually produces four basidiosporesExamplesAspergillusand Peniciliumare two common species of ascomycetes.Agaricus (common mushrooms) is the best-known example of basidiomycetes
Ascomycetes is a higher phylum of kingdom fungi. Ascomycete is a big phylum which includes over 44,00o known species. Ascomycetes fungi are well known organic matter decomposers in the soil. They are also used in industries for antibiotic and organic acids production. This group of fungi produces conidia during asexual reproduction and ascospores during their sexual reproduction. These spores germinate and produce new fungal hyphae to continue their generations.
Ascospores are produced inside a special reproductive cell called ascus. Ascus is a sac-shaped cell which contains ascospores of ascomycetes fungi. It is a microscopic structure, which develops within the mycelial mat, and produces ascospores internally. Usually, ascus contains eight spores inside it. Hence, the name ascus is given to this structure. Some ascomycetes fungi produce four ascospores inside the ascus. There are also species with just one spore per ascus and others with over a hundred spores per ascus. Spore number within ascus changes with the fungal species. The production of ascus or asci is an important characteristic which distinguishes ascomycetes from other fungi. Ascospores and asci are specific to ascomycetes. Hence ascomycetes fungi are easily identified by the presence of asci within their mycelium.
What is a Basidium?
Basidiomycetes is another phylum of kingdom fungi which belongs to higher macrofungi. There are about 25,000 species of basidiomycetes. Mushrooms and toadstools are two familiar types of basidiomycetes. Basidiomycetes are characterized by basidia formation. Basidium is a club-shaped structure which develops during the sexual reproduction of basidiomycetes. It is a microscopic structure and produces sexual spores called basidiospores. Basidia are developed on the hymenophore of fruiting bodies of basidiomycetes. The presence of basidia is unique to basidiomycetes.
A basidium usually produces four basidiospores and occasionally two or eight spores. However, it can change with the fungal species. Basidia produce narrow prong structures called sterigmata. One basidium produces four sterigmata, and at the tip of the sterigma, each basidiospore is developed externally. At the mature state, basidiospores are discharged forcibly from the sterigmata to the environment
Ascus vs Basidium
Ascus is a sac-shaped reproductive cell which produces sexual spores called ascospores.Basidium is a club-shaped sexual cell which produces sexual spores of basidiomycetes called basidiospores.Fungal PhylumAscus is a sexual reproductive structure unique to phylum Ascomycetes.Basidium is a sexual reproductive structure unique to phylum Basidiomycetes.Spore ProductionAscospores are produced internally by the ascus.Basidiospores are produced externally by the basidium.Spore NumberAn ascus usually bears eight ascospores.A basidium usually produces four basidiosporesExamplesAspergillusand Peniciliumare two common species of ascomycetes.Agaricus (common mushrooms) is the best-known example of basidiomycetes
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