difference between begar and bonded labour
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begar means, that a pearson is supposed to work for long hours but without payment
however Bonded labor is a form of debt slavery that is created when an individual begins to work for another person who holds a debt from that worker. It is also known as debt slavery. Once a bonded labor situation has been created, some individuals find it impossible to ever break out of it.
however Bonded labor is a form of debt slavery that is created when an individual begins to work for another person who holds a debt from that worker. It is also known as debt slavery. Once a bonded labor situation has been created, some individuals find it impossible to ever break out of it.
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begger is a person who begs for money with his own choice.No one is forcing him to do so.He can live his life according to his choice.
Whereas bonded labours are people who are not allowed to live their life freely and made work forcefully.
Whereas bonded labours are people who are not allowed to live their life freely and made work forcefully.
it is 'begar' and not 'begger'
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