difference between biofuels and fossil
Fossil fuels are carbon-based energy sources like coal, oil and natural gas. ... In contrast, biofuels are considered renewable energy sources since corn, soy and other biomass can be grown indefinitely. In the United States, 93 percent of the energy we consume comes from fossil fuels.
Here's what you want :)
Fossil fuels are carbon-based energy sources like coal, oil and natural gas. ... In contrast, biofuels are considered renewable energy sources since corn, soy and other biomass can be grown indefinitely. In the United States, 93 percent of the energy we consume comes from fossil fuels.
Biofuels Fossil fuels
Produced from living organisms. Produced through the geological process.
Provide less energy Provide more energy
Renewable source Non-renewable source
Least pollutants are released Many pollutants are released
For example, bioethanol, biodiesel For example, petroleum, coal, natural gas
Hope it helps :)
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