In an election among three contestants Ben, Carl, and Mark, Ben gets half of the votes of Carl. Mark beats Carl by 300,000 votes. Carl beats Ben by 10% total votes. Find the number of votes won by Ben, if every vote casted was valid and not given to anyone except the given three contestants.
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Given : In an election among three contestants Ben, Carl, and Mark, Ben gets half of the votes of Carl. Mark beats Carl by 300,000 votes. Carl beats Ben by 10% total votes.
To Find : number of votes won by Ben,
Let say Carl got votes = 2V
Ben gets half of the votes of Carl. = V
Mark beats Carl by 300,000 votes.
=> Marks got Votes = 2V + 300,000
Total Votes = 2V + V + 2V + 300,000
= 5V + 300,000
10% total votes = 0.5V + 30,000
Carl beats Ben by 10% total votes
2V - V = 0.5V + 30,000
=> V = 0.5V + 30,000
=> 0.5V = 30,000
=> V = 60,000
number of votes won by Ben = V = 60,000
420000 Marks
120000 Carl
60000 Ben
600000 Total
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