difference between capitalist and socialist
Capitalism is based on individual initiative and favors market mechanisms over government intervention, while socialism is based on government planning and limitations on private control of resources.Left to themselves, economies tend to combine elements of both systems: capitalism has developed its safety nets, while countries such as China and Vietnam may be edging toward full-fledged market economies.
In capitalist economies, governments play a minimal role in deciding what to produce, how much to produce, and when to produce it, leaving the cost of goods and services to market forces. When entrepreneurs spot openings in the marketplace, they rush in to fill the vacuum.
Capitalism is based around a free-market economy, meaning an economy that distributes goods and services according to the laws of supply and demand. The law of demand says that increased demand for a product means an increase in prices for that product. Signs of higher demand typically lead to increased production. The greater supply helps level prices out to the point that only the strongest competitors remain. Competitors try to earn the most profit by selling their goods for as much as they can while keeping costs low.
Also part of capitalism is the free operation of the capital markets. Supply and demand determine the fair prices for stocks, bonds, derivatives, currencies, and commodities.
In his seminal work, An Inquiry Into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations, economist Adam Smith described the ways in which people are motivated to act in their own self-interest.1 This tendency serves as the basis for capitalism, with the invisible hand of the market serving as the balance between competing tendencies. Because markets distribute the factors of production in accord with supply and demand, the government can limit itself to enacting and enforcing rules of fair play.
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