Biology, asked by adarshaudi6123, 1 year ago

Difference between colon classification from ddc and udc


Answered by rishabh2004
DescriptionDDCUDCCCMain OutlineDDC comprised of 10 Main Classeswith 9 sub-classes and 9 sub classes of each sub class. That is beginning with most general subjects to more specific ones.The scheme follows DDC except addition of some new sub-divisions and signs of combination for indication of relation of subjects.Main classes are comprised of Generalia (1 to 9) and 26 Main Classes (A to Z) of both Science and Humanities. The first 13 classes comprise the Science and applications and the last 13 comprises of Humanities.NotationNotation originally was pure; later on some letters have been used. Three figure minimum notations have been used.Mixed notation consists of figures letters and other symbols. The decimal point is repeated after every three figure.Notation is extremely mixed consisting of Arabic numerals, roman alphabet (both capital and small) and symbols and signs including colon. Arabic numerals (1-9) are assigned to the Generalia class and capital letters of the roman alphabet are assigned to the specific main classes. Notation is faceted. It is synthetic it uses fraction on principle for both numbers and letters and achieves hospitality in both array and chain.Form DivisionDDC uses series of nine common form divisions and these with minor alternatives are used with same meaning throughout the scheme.Form divisions (01-09) retain the original Dewey significance but have been redefined and greatly expanded.In CC, common sub-divisions use of lower case letters with decimal sub-divisions where necessaryMnemonicsThe principle mnemonics features are: Form divisions, Geographical divisions, and Language divisions.Number building devices as well asauxiliary schedules are mnemonics features.The scheme is faceted one and enjoys a considerable mnemonic quality by the use of same facets and common facets.Geographical DivisionsGeographical sub-divisions are provided by the use of the numbers 930-999. Every continent, country and division of a country is given a number. It also provide period division.Place sign (1)-(9) is a special table indicating physical places. (3)-(9) are the regular geographical numbers of Dewey used without the initial and within brackets.Common geographical divisions have been marked by decimal numbers 1-95 and in some cases subdivisions comprising of five figures are used.StructureBased on the scheme devised by Bacon and Harris.Based on the scheme DDC.Based on the traditional main classes listed under four zones. Zone 1- Generalia Class, Zone-2 Recently recognized main classes, Zone-3 Traditional main classes and Zone-4 Newly emerging methodologies.IndexRelative Index-tried to locate the relative position of the different aspects of subject at one place in the index and is very exhaustive.Alphabetical Index-is not so exhaustive and developed on the basis of chain procedure.Shortest index found in any classification scheme and is specific one which does not list composite subject.
Answered by PravinRatta

As a system of library classification, colon classification was developed by S.R. Ranganathan.

DDC's decimal system means that it is less hospitable to the addition of new subjects. It has been opposed to Library of Congress Classification, that comes with 21 classes at the top level. DDC notations can be much longer compared to other classification systems.

Universal Decimal Classification (UDC) is considered as the pioneering scheme of this triple venture. UDC main class structure is based on DDC

main class structure, as the CC decided the structure of its main classes.

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